it's lipton tea time!
lipton has always been my studying companion~
needed lipton to perk me up.. just had 1 cup! i wan another~
tea has its effect of refreshing the mind, it will make u feel calm . scientific studies shown that when people drink tea throughout the day, their mood and mental performance remain at a constant high level.
do you know tea has caffaine? even tea tat claimed as Decaffeinated Tea are not completely caffeine-free. i once heard from a health product seminar talk, that tea actually has more caffaine then coffee! hmmm not to sure to what extend, whether is it referring only to certain types of tea.
but surely Caffeine does bring us Alertness effects:
- improved alertness and performance on a variety of tasks at night
- improved attention, psychomotor, memory test results after strenuous exercise
- Increases in cognitive performance
- significantly increase wakefulness, vigor, energy, feeling “full of go” and feeling efficient
tried to find out if tea really has more caffaine, performed some google. some sites mentioned tat indeed tea possess more. But under
www.lipton.com it claims that tea has less caffaine than coffee and pple tend to sleep more easily, enjoy more quality sleep than coffee drinkers. quite skeptical about it, since its from lipton tea website im sure they as advertisers tried to describe things in such a manner that will promote their own product.
but too lazy to go search for more support and reach any conclusion...
anyway there are thus far only 3 types of teas that i love to drink...
1) canned pokka /heaven earth green tea
2) lipton hot tea
3) Ice tea... i like KFC's ice tea... hmmm seasons ice tea is overly sweet, not for me if i have choice to choose...
lipton does have a wide range of flavoured teas but i dun find it tasty. it just doesnt suit my tastebud. Even canned green tea.. they have green tea with white chrysanthemum etc....
but i think the unflavoured ones are still the best.