for the special someone
a blog post specially for someone special that i've knew her way back from SMU yr 1 . I met this girl during a community service work at SPD (society for the physically disabled). There we spent 2 full weeks together, mingling with the beneficiaries... and remember Arkbar? we did a communicative book for him.
time flies as always, now we have been into our last sem for our 3rd year studies. both of us are having our last paper on this sat. and Yipee...summer holidays are here once again!!!! and we are going to CLEAR OUR FYP!!!
recalling back to the past... i did all my IS modules and projects with her! woot~ hahhaha how many was that? other den qilin, i guessed she is the next whom i did numerous projects with. All thanks to her, we got hooked up doing projects with robin, dione and phelicia .... Our dear great buddies. My life in SMU wouldnt be complete without all of you. (pls spend efforts to keep the ties warm and hot! hahaha dun forget about me when each of you goes ya separate ways to exchange...)
o yah and i once did a blog posting on her in my very first set up blog account, which i did not conscientiously add any postings to. And i doubt she knows about it. that post was an
episode on friendship - A priceless gift.
Hmm... let me pen down my 1st day of Term3B(Intercultural Comms by Ong Siow Heng) while waiting for my file conversion to be done. Kind of sleepy, trying to keep myself awake for now.
Had a hard time getting to sleep the night before. Was is due to excitement of "FIRST DAY OF SCH"??? Remembering those pri school days whereby i head off to sch with new stationery, polished white bata shoes. Those were the days...I set my alarm at 6:30am. But as usual i din manage to wake on my own. Thankfully to this wonderful friend of mine who took the initiative and tots to give me a morning call at 6:45am. Blbalbalbaa.... i got down the bed, went to bathroom ... bathe .. changed.. out of hsu... and to the NEW CITY CAMPUS!
When i reached the seminar room, my dear friend has booked a seat for me, and so sweet of her to buy me breakfast which include yummy-licious sandwich + slurping good cup of tea. Not only just that, she even took me an extra copy of TODAY newspaper for me. So touched by her actions... wad can i say? I'm fortunate to have such a nice friend like her. One whom i knew since yr 1, someone whom i have always been doing my ISM projects with. Yugui knows that im such a blur sotong especially in the mrg, has done all these and touched me truly deeply ....
heeeeee that was wad i wrote...
yugui: the girl is none other den u!!!! Muacks! HAPPI BIRTHDAY!
today is her 22nd birthday!!!!!!! i remember last yr she had her 21st birthday celebration at Aloha! and she had her preparations woes and i heard complaints from her.. but im sure she enjoyed the chalet stay and seeing so many of her friends storming in with presents and well wishes for her, she certainly had a great time. A nice 21st birthday that she will remember.... and o yah! MS POH did u wear the dress we bought for u???!!!!!! and wad about that G-STRING!!!! where did u dump to! all i saw u wearing was only the adidas jacket!.. hahaha all her presents were blueish(her fav color).
photo recollection of the day's event

photos were taken from Zhiqin's photo gallery at
my best wishes to my dearest lovable buddy
priceless just like a piece of heirloom jade (YU)
whom plays a significant role in my life.
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