my love in my life
shared a bar of hershey's milk chocolate with my sis. this mysterious choco bar was found hidden in between my stack of finance notes... some magician did it! *wink
Chocolate is said to positively affect the mind body and soul. It can stimulate, revive and energise the mind and body through its caffeine and energy content. A great source of phenylethamine, a natural mood enhancer which stimulates our body's "feel good" chemicals known as endorphins.
For females, there is a drop in progesterone levels during pre-menstrual which is responsible for the violent mood swings. The magnesium content has been proved to increase progesterone levels, thus alleviating the problem. So guys! if ya gfs has frequent mood swings.. appease them with chocolates! =P
are all chocolates good for health? is there something called the "Healthiest chocolate"????
Plain dark containing a minimum 70% or more cocoa solids are the healthiest. It's also the best way to satisfy a craving for chocolate, without consuming too much sugar and saturated fat.
well im not good enough to go in depth talkin about chocolates... i onli know how to eat! all kinds! but preferably not those nutty ones (M&M peanuts is an exception) and not those with caramel i.e. snickers bar.
weiye sent me this leaflet

woot free cone day! hmmm my fridge now stores 2 tubs of B&J icecream "waving" at me... kind of fav is "chocolate chips cookie dough"! My first taste of B&J's ice-cream was during my poly days, all thanks to my Citibank supervisor. He bought me a tub as he drove by a petrol station when he gave me a ride home. i dun like ice-cream that is too chocolatey thou i love chocolates, prefer those choco chips kind... vanilla with bit of chocolate.. those chocolatey color all over, a bit turn off for me...
will i be able to fight and win the battle against the icecream for tonite?? can i resist the temptation? we shall see.... back to studying finance....
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