Helo here i am... back again.
yes my blog has been dead again for quite some time~... finally back again.. for past weeks have been busy with clearing some honeywell stuffs, apart from my job search..
Lately I met a second most challenging interview i ever went!...
first encountered was a couple of years back after graduating from poly, i went to interview at this company and was thrown a laptop to sit there for 2 hours to program. Was caught by surprise, was given a case scenario and i need to program the solution out. At the end of it , what he was looking for was my analyzing, logic & reasoning skills and yup i got thru it! thou in the end i din take up that offer.
And recently this one i went.. was for a marketing position.. At end of first interview, he actually gave me an assignment and ask me to do back at home and return next day to show and propose to him. OMG! definitely i stood there confidently and smile and say "sure , no problem". But in my heart i was... gosh.. i still need to go Marina square after this to meet up with an engineer to settle honeywell stuffs . The assignment resolves around the revamp of an exisiting website they have, and the scope given as follows:
- Assume you are the Marketing Manager tasked to revamp the portal totally (both in functionalities and look), describe in details what you will have in the revamped site. This should cover editorial directions / the functionalities / sections, etc.
- Based on this, produce a mock up of the portal’s new Home Page, and 2 inner pages (the mock up must include the functionalities you have listed above). You may use Photoshop or any applications familiar to you in producing this mockup.
- Produce a calendar of marketing activities (each month Jan – Dec 08) to drive brand awareness and new user traffic.
- Produce a calendar of Cover Stories (each month Jan – Dec 08). Each Cover Story should have a Story Title, and describe in 2-3 lines what the story is about.
- Do up a media kit for Beverly (4 max excluding cover page).
this time round with 2 interviewers, i got to explain why i do things this way or that way and why i din do this or that. Showing of portfolio.. chit chat chit chat... ask me about management skills.. and i did critic some stuffs which coincidently goes in line with the interviewer's method of management. OH dear... of coz i try to salvage saying there is no right or wrong. gosh i think i did not fare as well in terms of managment questions. if i got chance to do it again im sure i can do better. And this was my 2nd interview.
the following week, he rang me up... and i visit his office again... and chit chat chit chat... as we talk more into pay and benefits terms... found out about his impressive background. A man in his early 30s i guess (not sure, he din reveal but cant be 40 yet, he mention roughly same as my bro), but earning a salary of 19k or more at Yahoo when he is 29! GOSH! Was headhunted by Shell when he was into his first year studies in London. followed by, been to companies like Virgin, Nokia... Certainly nice to meet someone like him... but a very figure oriented person.
I do like the scope of work for this job, given the ownership, and power to do almost everything anything that i wan to achieve my given targets...there seems to be no limit... i like doing things from scratch, and seeing my 'baby' grows and doing well.. the sense of satisfaction is fantastic and to be proud of. but it also goes to say i need to do ALOT ALOT OF WORK and i cant ignore the fact that element of risk of failure could also exists! brought the contract back home to consider over it.
gosh the take home assignment took me more than 8 hrs to complete. and the 3 visits to his office took me at least in total of 5hrs. Total time spent for this job, took me more than 13 hrs! But in the end i din take up the offer.
Still on job searching... friends, bless me... pray hard for me .... for better things to come. Anyone wanna employ me? i can send application to u ... hahhaha =D

this picture was taken yesterday : me and cousin in the background, carryin his CPU for a distance to a shop for repair. I think his pair of arms are aching terribly after that.

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