my blog never dies!
people been asking why recently no entries, no updates in the blog. is it that i have another blog and forgotten about bloggin here ?? hhahaha anyway a recall back to what happened for past 2 weeks after exams...
17th April 07: try the watermelon ice-cream!.. realli got the taste of melon... bought from daimaru. but it cost like nearly $4 . tot of buying for my dozen kids back home, but 12*4 hmmm the money i think i can spend on 3 tubs of Bens & Jerry...

19th April 07: went zouk with this group of pple! and our dear qilin did the merlion! he pushed the blame to the powerful teh tarik he had during supper that caused him to make a fool of himself in public puking all over the floor... And i must say Galen aka Weiye is the Mr Sporting Guy! i msn him at 9.30pm askin him if he wanna join us, within 10 mins, he is out on his way to my place! woot! u are fabulous! super On!
the most funny comment made was by qilin "there are 2 dicks brushing my backside".. one of the section was realli cramped! qilin must be having a great time there and maybe thats why he wanted to go back tat area for a 2nd time tat nite...

20th April 07: one kind soul by name of alfred gave us 2 days course on .Net training... super nice guy he is... and as a gesture for saying thanks... we gave him a simple treat - sakae sushi meal...

23 April 07: cooked fried rice today! woot! i think in terms of colors ... it looks fine, not bad.... but for taste.. it tasted bit too dry... hmm... first attempt at cooking! have never fried any rice before!

the chili deco looked like big octopus!
on wed 25th, was at the airport... sending someone off.... the plane that someone took was the one seen in the middle pic... which is heading out and preparing for take off soon... bye bye... counting my teabags for ya return~ sayonara i know u will have lots of fun over there =D

have quite a few other friends headin for US soon in early may. Jiahui, Shilin, Glenn, Joan, Daryl & ++.... how envious am i when im rooted to SG. sbosobsobsbosb....
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