a bite on that durian

fridge still have left overs but i resisted to eat it .. hopefully no one slice it up else im sure my tempted mouth will not be able to overcome the lure of it.
what other mooncakes brand are nice???
trust no one but only yourself in this world. one must learn to be open & hear all sides of story.. and take things with a pinch of salt, don't believe everything you hear.
hard to find out who's statement is exactly right and who's not. So just do what is right to solve the problem than to play the office game....which is so called the politics that i think is really destructive which people see it as a way for competition to outshine or for defence. Why must pple start such a thing on earth...
In Primary we were taught the science of magnets. Opposite poles attracts while similar poles repel. Recently came across a short article from Men's health with similiar analogy- difference attracts