Thursday, August 30, 2007
the Dell gathering
this is Mark... the bra man... he drew a bra @ bottom centre of the whiteboard... & it's hilarous that sets dione me and meiyun laughin away. if i dun tell u what he is drawing would u be able to guess wad he is trying to illustrate? he is trying to draw a bra that has accesories e.g. diamantes danglin on it.

from left to right:
Peiying: the self made entreprenur webby lady
Kheng Hock: the aunties killer man cum stocks player
meihuey: job hopper (changed 3 companies in 3 yrs)... now at paramount pictures as assistant manager traveling the world with her vice president for biz trips, staying in ex hotels during every trip.. how enjoyable her work is

right: Peter.... the guy who guided me and meihuey at work, together in managing the SG and Msia Dell websites.
hope to have another gathering soon which aimed to do it quarterly.. which means tat it will be in Dec...
Monday, August 27, 2007
pics taken on robin's departure day
mr robin hood posing with little captain hook~

head count... one, two, three, four.... seven, eight!

names of pple from left to right:

Zhiqin: Mr wadever anything
Lihui: Sunshine
Shuli: substring("PMS";1;2)
Yugui: Wu gui mei
Robin: Robin Hook
Mabel: Marble Da shao
Dione: pinky piggy
Meiyun: undersized piggy
Kit yin: kitty
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Robin to korea with 2 lucky travel charms
good bye robin, have fun and enjoy yaself in Korea. See u in december!
take loads of pictures, please position your head in the picture frame. Dun let the buildings and architectures filled the whole pic... we had enough of those. we jus wan to see updates on you with your faces stamped on photos as you visit places.
may our lucky charm brings u safety and luck throughout the whole trip~ i believe it does.. since it's doubled in strength!

the man behind 881 and the milk goddess that turns me on
did u chanced upon the Aug Maxim issue? featuring model rebecca tan who appears in the famous HL adverts. Wooo i think she is one hot lady! the shots by photographer Wee khim are really yummy good.. guys out there do u wish to be wee khim's assistant so that u can google at the pretty models each time he photographed them? especially in this kind of steamy shots. i think these pics were taken with class unlike models appearing in the usual sexy lingerie. i wish im at the scene! guys, does the pics turn u on? ;) *wink

this is Royston Tan, the name behind 881. It was a more than a million dollar production spending 22 days for filming. It's an all female casting. Qi Yi Wu utter not a single word playing as a mute man, except communicating via naration of the movie. So we can judge his performance by just his expressions but it looks like the same throughout the whole show.. the very quiet usual expression of him.

The begining part of movie gave me the impression of a very low cost production, which tries to play up on comical meter using cardboard people to depict the various other related family members of the main cast. It was a rather nice effect to me. As i progress ... watching the show is as if 90% of communication exist all in lyrics of the hokkien songs. It was rather intolerable hearing them sing and sing.. when they sing again.. my heart just goes... "not again..."
but i can be rather impressed with them on how they can manage to find so many songs to depict the feelings of the people. Was it especially written and sang, or was it real exisiting old hokkien songs? Let's give a round of applause for Royston for his brilliant idea to come up with a hokkien musical film...
we shall wait and see what's next in line for the singapore production movie. One thing about singapore movie production regardless of filmmaker, its always with tinge of local feel, local affairs or issues. Perhaps that can be the unique selling point to serve as an insight on singapore flavour to other countries. "Productions that are uniquely Singapore"
wardrobe A+B+C
last sunday finally took the time to tidy up my wardrobe.. i actually occupied 1+1+0.5 sets of cabinets in the house. when u open, u see a mess inside...
and now its neat and tidy.. i squeeze to 1+0.5+0.5 (wardrobe A+B+C) occupied. packing off some clothes into bagful to discard away.. 0.5 of the wardrobe B is actually left intact , din have enuff time to finish clearing it all.. but
1 whole of the wardrobe A is in super good condition now. decided to just hang working clothes, leaving casual ones folded at the bottom. Previously i used to hang all sorts of the clothes and its all so cramped up. Wardrobe C hangs all the jeans material items. this coming weekend my aim is to downsize to just 1.5 wardrobe.

look at my bro's cupboard. his is neat..everything in place. he has always been the more tidy person in the house.. which brings to the issue that i always get reprimanded by him for untidiness. Stop scolding me! i've tidied up the wardrobe and free up more space !

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tucked away in Tuas!!
helped out an engineer for some software application changes. Gotta worked on Pfizer site which is far away in Tuas South. Terrible experience for the long travel journey. First day there, was late in meeting my colleague who will drive me from toa payoh to tuas. No choice gotta take a cab directly from home to Tuas as im in a rush to attend a safety course by 7.45am. CAB FARE $26++ ... waaa so expensive!
Pfizer site was rather strict. Anyone who wanna enter the site for work is required to attend a 2h safety course first. No choice attended it and it was boring session.... i couldnt keep my eyes open and kena caught by the instructor who said to the whole class "this girl in front looks very tired... do u want to go wash your face first"...oppss so paiseh...
gotten my safety induction certification which gives me the rights to enter the site for a validity period of a yr. Omg.. i never wan to come to tuas again after this project. Lucky was just for 2 days.

Impression of pfizer, was a very systematic organization which has a clean environment, who really have clear visions, goals driven, follow by the book. Shows extreme care through the various safety precautions rules set up to protect its employees. Thumbs up for welfare meter. but downside of being there... no handphones allowed on site premises! Each and every got to locked their mobile in small lockers at the security guardhouse. How inconvenient this is.. not sure about the rationale behind. was it a safety measure, so that pple wont get distracted at work by mobile? to make sure employee work and concentrate fully during working hrs? will hp ignite any possibility of fire? mobile frequency will interrupt anything in the plant? anyway managed to pull thru 2 days without mobile phone by my side. It was really constructive. Sit there jus work and work and knock off.
was told that the staffs there worked only 3-4 days per week on shift hours. Pfizer operates 24 by 7. Even a technician position has an income of at least 2k... but downside of working in Tuas... perhaps the polluted air and long distance travel........
torturous summer.. afterall a journey that stays in memories
what have past..... it's just another summer holidays where i slog like a bull through..
..........WORK + WORK
The months stuck doing Final year project was torturous and no one likes it!
we started off ever since last dec sourcing for projects till we met and settle on Parkway Healthcare group... meeting up with client (they were real nice pple), gathering user requirements, to research and proposal... development to testing and deployment phase... and finalli the handover closure period in Aug this month.. it was a journey that we all survived! woo... it was a sign of relief when its over.. Good luck to other teams that are doing their FYP this sem.
flash back to fyp days as we nest our egg(FYP product) in the bird nest we named our own.
colourful kueys that colored the dull boring day in FYP office at telok ayer....

of coz we had our lili break time after FYP ... dinner out... and once in a while shopping spree to balance our emotions!
this is the last project in smu with Yugui, robin and shuli.. Good luck to yugui who's heading off to Xiamen University in China, and Robin for his overseas xchange adventure to Korea! Kimchi everyday!
look who's back?!
let me turn back time, and see what events took placed for past weeks~
As for weiye, i think he needs a haircut again! his current haircut make him too innocent!!! ooops *bleh
food gifts from abroad

peanut butter white choco, first time attempt for chocolate with such fillings.
and..... what's inside..... this is how it looks like....
hmmm kindda disgusting... offered the other piece to meiyun/yugui... but both were disgusted by me... hahaha they wouldnt dare to eat it even after much persuasion and telling them it's quite yummy. Finally dione came and ate it .... woo! a great daring challenger... but she got no idea what had happened prior to her arrival.
chocolates chocolates and moree.......
o first of all, Mr Bollywood returns from India to SG woodlands~ This was an interesting comical piece of paper that adrian wrote and gave to qilin as a gift when we welcome him back.
Poor Mr bollywood, supposedly to be welcomed at the airport at 730am by 2 hunks and 1 beauty! but instead he gotta wait for us to arrive.. the despaired looking him can only sit and wait slowly for us, one by one to make appearance.. Adrian being the latest only arrived nearly 830?! but we all wu sim to wake up damn early for this dude. Adrian living far away in bukit timah woke at 5+am took bus and train all way to changi jus to see this BOLLYWOOD... who are u wad a big deal... hhaa
Thanks to him for a nice flowery skirt gift which i cant put it off well...=D tks qilin!

food gifts from abroad
this dark choco was really too bitter to my tastebud.. cant take much of it.. but my wierdo cousin at age of 14 loves to drink wine which i never knew how to appreciate and he likes reeeeaal dark bitter choco!