guess where is this??

Novena Square... one of the less frequent place that i would ever go to in the past... if not for work, i doubt i be going novena square that often. Besides Novena square the new extension Velocity a sports shopping mall as well as Square 2 another mall beside that house many eatery places and seems to target on korean stuffs...
a short walking distance away is the United Square.. cant go United States this summer but i visit U.Square. hahahha how lame is this..

there is this small pub at the basement of the shopping mall. Sporting a billard table outside in the open. i wonder what they do when it rains...cover the billard table? or shift it in to the shelter? This pub serves a wide variety of beer from different countries... nice place to chill out and relax. but the waitress there looks like from philipines or indonesia. but 2 person or 3 going there for some food and drinks can easily cost up to 100 bucks. per drink already cost 15-20 bucks.
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